Wireless Debugging in VsCode with QR code : ADB QR

Aakash Pamnani
4 min readMay 30, 2024


The Struggles of Traditional Debugging

Are you also tired of connecting a USB cable every time you need to debug your Android app? If you’re like many developers, you know the pain of juggling between cables, ports, and devices.

Not to mention, the constant wear and tear on your USB cables can be frustrating. It’s a tedious ritual that interrupts your flow, slows down your progress, and adds unnecessary clutter to your workspace. Many developers have dreamed of a more seamless, wireless solution that would allow them to debug their apps with the same ease and efficiency they use in their other development tasks.

Android Studio’s Edge

For some time, Android Studio users have enjoyed the luxury of wireless debugging, a feature that significantly improves the debugging experience by eliminating the need for physical connections. This advantage made many developers consider switching to Android Studio despite their preference for the more versatile and lightweight VSCode. However, for those who love the simplicity and extensibility of VSCode, there has always been a glimmer of hope that such a feature would eventually become available.

Enter ADB QR

The wait is finally over. Thanks to the ADB QR extension, VSCode users can now enjoy the benefits of wireless debugging. This extension leverages the power of QR codes to facilitate a seamless connection between your development machine and your Android device. Here’s how it works:

  1. Install ADB QR Extension: First, install the ADB QR extension from the VSCode marketplace. This extension is straightforward and easy to set up (link).

2. Enable Wireless Debugging on Your Device: On your Android device, enable wireless debugging from the developer options. Make sure your device and your development machine are on the same Wi-Fi network.

3. Generate QR Code in VSCode: Open the command palette in VSCode(ctrl+shift+p) and run the command ADB-QR: Connect With QR Code to generate a QR code. This code will contain the necessary information to establish a connection.

4. Scan the QR Code with Your Device: Using your Android device, scan the QR code. This step pairs your device with your development machine wirelessly.

5. Start Debugging: Once paired, you can start debugging your apps wirelessly. No more cables, no more hassle — just a smooth, efficient debugging process.

The Benefits of Wireless Debugging with ADB QR

Wireless debugging with ADB QR brings numerous benefits to developers:

  • Mobility and Flexibility: Without theadb constraints of USB cables, you can move freely with your device, making it easier to test features that require physical movement.
  • Reduced Wear and Tear: Frequent plugging and unplugging of USB cables can lead to wear and tear on both the cables and the device’s USB port. Wireless debugging eliminates this
  • Cleaner Workspace: Fewer cables mean a tidier workspace, which can lead to a more organized and focused development
  • Improved Workflow: By streamlining the debugging process, you can maintain your development flow and reduce interruptions, leading to faster and more efficient coding sessions.


With the ADB QR extension, VSCode has bridged the gap between versatility and convenience, providing a robust solution for wireless debugging that rivals even Android Studio. This innovative extension simplifies the debugging process, offering a seamless and efficient experience that enhances productivity and reduces frustration. So, if you’re tired of the constant cable clutter and looking for a more streamlined debugging solution, give ADB QR a try.

Happy coding!

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Aakash Pamnani

Flutter, Java, developer. | Trying to explain concepts in the most straightforward way possible.